About Us
A.P.E. Project CIC was set up in 2007 by Rachel Davies and Guy Dobson, both experienced play workers and community artists. They delivered outreach play and arts activities at events, for schools and community groups.

In 2017, as part of a community asset transfer, A.P.E. Project CIC took on the management and running of St. Paul’s Adventure Playground. The facility had previously been run by Bristol City Council who had fully funded the provision since its outset. During the course of A.P.E. Project CIC taking on the Playground, Bristol City Council withdrew funding for universal, open access play provision for children and young people in the city.

This challenge shifted the focus of A.P.E. Project CIC.
A.P.E. Project CIC is now centred around making St. Paul’s Adventure Playground flourish and its provision to the community.
As a Community Interest Company (CIC), all profits are reinvested for the benefit of the Playground and community. A.P.E. Project CIC has an active management committee including members of the community.
Our team is made up of artists, makers, play-workers, youth workers, therapeutic arts workers and others.

A.P.E. Project CIC continues to provide outreach services including workshops, stay & plays and training.
A.P.E. Project CIC runs the Children’s Bike Exchange and is in the process setting up cafe.
A.P.E. Project CIC receives funding from a wide range of trusts and grant awarding bodies and receives some funding from Bristol City Council.